Everything you need to
know about staying
with us

Before you fly...


Do I need a visa to travel to Costa Rica?

If you’re staying in Costa Rica for less than 90 days, there is usually no visa required to enter the country. All you need is:

– A current passport – valid for at least six months beyond the date of your trip

– A return ticket

There are some exceptions to this rule, so we advise you to double-check whether a visa is required for your specific nationality. To do so, click here and select your country from the menu.

Costa Rican law states that you must carry your passport at all times, but we find that a photocopy will usually suffice. Make sure you get this photocopy made before you fly.

Do I need any vaccinations to travel to Costa Rica?

While it is unlikely that you will be asked to provide proof of vaccinations when you arrive into Costa Rica, the World Health Organisation recommend Hepatitis A, Tetanus, Typhoid and Rabies (for those staying for a long period or who are likely to come into contact with animals). If you’re arriving from South America or Sub Saharan Africa, you will need a Yellow Fever Vaccination, and will be asked for your vaccination certificate upon arrival. You must have the vaccination a minimum of 10 days before you fly to Costa Rica. There are exceptions to these rules, which you can discover here.

During your stay...

What is the maximum group size Eagle’s Nest can accommodate?

Our cabins can accommodate a maximum of 24 people, and can be arranged to accommodate family groups. Our camping ground has room for up to 20 tents. The camp site is flat, has access to water, toilets and showers, and offers beautiful views of the mountains and ocean. If you do plan to camp, you will need to bring your tent with you.

Is there Internet and phone signal at Eagle’s Nest?

While we do have access to the internet and excellent cell phone reception, we ask that you use your time at Eagle’s Nest to disconnect from your devices and reconnect to nature and the people you are here with. New regulations have been introduced by the Costa Rican government banning phones and cameras being used within national parks as they are disruptive to the animals. While we do allow use on site, we ask you keep it to a minimum to ensure animals aren’t driven away from their natural habitats.

Do you have parking available on-site?

To preserve our beautiful environment, our priority is minimising the number of vehicles travelling on the roads surrounding Eagle’s Nest. We can help arrange transport for you for the duration of your stay but if you do have a vehicle you need to park, we will accommodate you.

Are there options for dining out?

Nosara is one of the best places to eat in the country, and it offers all kinds of foods and all kinds of vibes. While things tend to wind down by midnight, Nosara also has some great bars for enjoying a few beers. We will be happy to offer recommendations and to make restaurant bookings for you.

Is alcohol available on-site?

While Eagle’s Nest is a peaceful spot, if you have something to celebrate we’ll happily point you in the direction of shops where you can buy alcohol to drink on-site.

What will the weather be like?

This will depend upon the time of year that you pay us a visit, but as a general rule, expect lots of sunshine. Dry season runs from November to April, and is a great time for beach hopping, surfing, snorkelling and hiking. Rainy season, or ‘green season’ as we like to call it, falls between May to November. During this time of year, tropical downpours happen every afternoon, and they can be quite spectacular! Don’t be put off visiting during rainy season – it is arguably the prime time for experiencing Costa Rica’s flora and fauna, and it is a great time of year for whale watching and scuba diving.

Do bear in mind that Costa Rica is a tropical country, which means you’re likely to sweat a lot more than usual. Remember to take on fluids, wear a hat and sunscreen, and, where possible, avoid direct sunshine during the hottest hours of the day.

What should I pack?


– Mosquito repellent

– Suntan lotion – Costa Rica is very close to the Equator, so the sun is hot!

– Insulated refillable water bottle

– Day backpack – ideal for hikes and tours

– Towel

– Torch/ head lamp

– Tampons (many of the smaller stores don’t stock them)

– Camera


– Sun hat

– Sunglasses

– Walking boots, or decent trainers suitable for hiking

– Beach gear

– Light-coloured, light material long-sleeved shirt and trousers

– Light rain jacket

– Flip flops

First-aid kit:

– Adequate supply of your own prescription medications

– Antihistamine, or anti-itch cream for bites

– Antiseptic cream

– Plasters, or medical tape and gauze

– Paracetamol or ibuprofen

– Lip salve with SPF

– Rehydration sachets

– Epipen if you’re allergic to anything. Please advise us of any allergies when you make your booking.

Health & Safety...

In case of emergency, where is the closest hospital?

We have first aiders on-site, but the nearest clinic and hospital are located in Nosara, which is a 20-minute drive. Costa Rica has excellent hygiene standards and a fantastic health care system.

Where does the water come from, and is it safe to drink?

The water at Eagle’s Nest comes direct from the mountain’s natural spring. It is safe to drink, nutrient-rich and delicious. All water is filtered into a sealed, pristine tank, which serves our taps, toilets and showers. Please bring reusable water bottles, never plastic, and refill as much as you like.

Are there a lot of insects at Eagle’s Nest?

Our eco-venue is located within a tropical environment, so of course, many other creatures besides us live here. Each cabin is protected from insects via mosquito screens. Mosquito repellent is advised, as are light long-sleeved shirts and trousers for the evenings. As a precaution against encountering other insects, we advise shaking out your clothes and shoes before you put them on.

Costa Rica is home to a variety of snakes, some of them venomous. While it is highly unlikely that you will encounter a snake during your stay, always exercise caution when moving around site and hiking our trails. We recommend hiking during the day, in groups of at least two, and always using a flashlight when moving around at night.


How do I make a reservation at Eagle’s Nest?

Simply send us a message via our contact form, drop us an email or give us a call on +506 8888 9525.

How do we pay for our stay?

Once you have made your booking, we will send you details of our Costa Rican bank account. We ask that you transfer 50% of the total cost of your stay to that account to act as a deposit and to secure your spot. The final 50% of the payment will be due two weeks before your stay.

What happens if we need to cancel our booking?

Let us know as soon as possible that you need to cancel your booking. If the cancellation falls within the two weeks prior to your stay, unfortunately we will have to keep your 50% deposit to cover the costs associated with preparing for your arrival.

What is the best way to pay for things in Costa Rica?

There are two currencies widely-used in Costa Rica – US dollars and local currency, the Costa Rica Colón. ATM’s usually dispense both. While US dollars are accepted almost everywhere, we recommend always having some colones on you so that you aren’t caught short in more rural locations and when catching buses.

Typically, US dollars are used for larger payments, such as tours, car hire and admission fees at sights. Colones should be used for smaller payments, such as local meals and drinks, taxis and souvenirs.

Credit cards are widely accepted for larger payments, but we recommend checking in with your credit card company to ensure your card works in Costa Rica and to notify them that you will be using it abroad.

Where is the nearest ATM to Eagle’s Nest?

There are a number of ATM’s in Nosara, which is a 20-minute drive.

What’s the best way to exchange money in Costa Rica?

Only exchange money in banks, never on the street. The banks can be relatively strict about what notes they accept, so your bills need to be in good condition. It is not uncommon for torn bills to be refused. Before leaving Costa Rica, we recommend you change all of your colones back to US dollars, as you may find it difficult to exchange colones back home.

Do I need to tip in Costa Rica? 

The following can be used as a general guide when tipping in Costa Rica:

– Tour guides: Tip your guides between $5-15 per person per day. It is also nice to tip the tour driver – typically, half of what you tip the tour guide.

– Restaurants: Sometimes a 10% service charge will be added to the bill. If not, tipping is welcomed.

– Taxis: You are under no obligation to tip taxi drivers, but if they have provided you with a great service, you can do so at your discretion.

Do I need travel insurance?

We strongly recommend that every visitor to Costa Rica takes out travel insurance to cover themselves and their belongings during their time in the country.